Fast and slow metabolism

>> Friday, September 28, 2012

Did you know?
The difference between a "fast" metabolism or a "slow" one is about 200 calories....... ......!!!
Do you have that friend who drives you crazy because he or she can eat seemingly anything and not gain weight? While you might have been thinking it was all just genetics and a
fast metabolism, it turns out that most of it is just due to healthy living.
68% of the population is meant to consume between 1840 and 2160 calories a day, while 96% is meant to consume anywhere between 1680 and 2320 calories a day. So generally speaking, metabolism onlaround 200-300 calories.

How much is that?
It’s about a single Poptart, half a slice of pizza, couple tablespoons of peanut butter, or three to four Oreos. So metabolic rate does vary, but very generally speaking not by much. The vast majority of the population exists within a range of 200 to 300 calories of one another.y goes up or down



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