Your Child's Health
Children differ from each other when it comes to eating behavior. Some of them eat (food) fast and greedily and others eat very few food, and they are both wrong.
Eating balanced food is the correct way, and I'm giving the responsibility here to mums to watch out thier children's health.Children and thier eating habits
I know it is difficult to control the appetite of your child but at least try to lure them and make for them a desirable dish like fruit Salad with cream or Spaghetti.
Remember when you eat healthy food your kids will imitate you. so you have to avoid junk foods and drinks as much as you can. So, be a role model for your kid's sake.
Some examples of bad habits
# Watching TV while eating food without awareness which causes obesity among children.
# Laziness and not doing any exercise or any activities.
# Eating lots of sweets, Chips and Chocolate.
# Relying on fast food as a main meal for kids.
# Drinking soda during the meal.
Here are some tips for you child
1) Put up a poster on the wall shows the food pyramid and encourage the child to follow the guidelines.
or give the kid a coloring book so he can enjoy more the food pyramid.
2) Let your child learn all about food requirements and what to eat from each food group.
3) Let your child be involved in making the meal.
4) Focus on how much you kid eat and watch his/her intake calories.
5) Let your kid be involved in fiscal activity to keep him/her in a healthier weight.
6) Make a worksheet for your kids so they can track their food choices that match up to dietary recommendations.
7) Follow the whole progress by tracking your kid's food intake and physical activity.
Growth Charts
The World Health Organization (WHO) released its own set of revised growth charts in 2006. Unlike the CDC versions, a growth reference, the WHO charts are a real growth standard
BMI Calculator For Kids
Use this tool to figure out if your child is at an appropriate weight for his or her height.
Exercise and Fitness for Kids
exercise is good for kids. It has been shown to help them build strong self-esteem, sleep better, have more energy, decrease anxiety and burn fats.
• bicycling at 5 mph burns about 174 calories an hour
• jogging at 6 mph burns about 654 calories an hour
• playing recreational basketball burns about 450 calories an hour
• playing recreational volleyball burns about 274 calories an hour
• playing tennis (singles) burns about 450 calories an hour
• playing vigorous, touch football burns about 498 calories an hour
• roller skating at 9 mph burns about 384 calories an hour
• swimming burns about 288 calories an hour
• walking at 2 mph burns about 198 calories an hour
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Child and Teen BMI Calculator