What Your Body Really Needs For Maximum Benefits from Exercise

>> Saturday, January 28, 2012

What Your Body Really Needs For Maximum Benefits from Exercise:

According to Phil Campbell, author of "Ready Set Go", receiving maximum cardiovascular benefits requires working all of your muscle fibers and both metabolic processes.
You have three different types of muscle fibers – slow-twitch, fast-twitch, and super-fast-twitch.
And your heart has two different metabolic processes:
1.The aerobic, which requires oxygen
2.The anaerobic, which doesn’t require any oxygen

Traditional strength training, aerobic and cardio exercises work primarily the aerobic metabolic process. And they use mostly only slow-twitch muscle fibers.
Typically, traditional forms of exercise don't engage the anaerobic process of your heart nor do they involve the very beneficial fast-twitch muscle fibers.
On the other hand, high-intensity interval training such as Peak Fitness works BOTH your aerobic and anaerobic processes AND employs the crucial faster-twitch fibers, giving you a very thorough heart muscle workout.

To quote Phil Campbell:
"Most exercise programs today are built based upon a very incomplete picture of the physiology of your body.
For example, long slow cardio, "calories in, calories out," would be a perfect way to look at the body if it were all slow-twitch fiber…
But the fast- and super-fast-twitch fibers are essentially 50 percent of your muscle fibers and they don't get recruited until you add a velocity of movement."


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